Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “Toronto company creating plant-based fish alternative”

Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “Toronto company creating plant-based fish alternative”

February 15, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

“Looks, cooks, tastes and flakes like ordinary fish” … That’s the advertisement for a new plant-based seafood line that’s starting to gain traction in Toronto. New School Foods spent the last three years developing a plant-based salmon that, they say, is as close to the real thing as it gets. The plant-based salmon will even be sold in raw form, so you can watch it cook like you would any other fish. The creators behind it said they used ocean algae, pea and soy proteins and omega-rich oils to create their product. Investors are hopping on the train quickly, especially considering there’s nothing else like this in the market. Would you try it?