3 Ulen-Hitterdal FFA Students to be Recognized for Receiving American Degree

3 Ulen-Hitterdal FFA Students to be Recognized for Receiving American Degree

January 24, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Ulen, MN — The American FFA Degree is awarded at the National FFA Convention & Expo each year to less than 1% of FFA members, making it one of the organization’s highest honors. This year, for the first time in 10 years, Ulen-Hitterdal will have three outstanding members being recognized for achieving this degree.

Danielle Rodewald, Marty Moore and Joseph Groth have applied, met the requirements, interviewed and been approved to receive the American Degree. This Friday, January 27th, the Ulen-Hitterdal FFA Program is hosting a reception in the school commons to recognize the three individuals and UH FFA President Allison Groth invites the community to come out and show their support for their unique accomplishment.

The American FFA Degree is awarded to members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their supervised agricultural experience. In addition to their degree, each recipient receives a gold American FFA Degree key.

The top American FFA Degree recipients from each state may also be nominated for an American Star Award. Marty Moore was selected to represent Minnesota as the Star Farmer. His application then moved on to complete nationally.

Some of requirements to earn the American FFA Degree include receiving the State FFA Degree; completing and maintaining records to substantiate an outstanding supervised agricultural experience program through which the member has exhibited comprehensive planning, managerial and financial expertise; possessing a record of outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement; and participating in at least 50 hours of community service from at least three different community service activities.

You can RSVP to the reception via the Ulen-Hitterdal FFA and Agricultural Education Dept Facebook page, but it is not required.