Dirty Ores Garage Sale Fundraiser

Dirty Ores Garage Sale Fundraiser

May 21, 2024 News News -- KSDM-KGHS Sports News 0

This weekend, May 24th-26th there will be a fundraiser held to help support the local Quad Cities Roller Derby team the Dirty Ores. We had the opportunity to interview Rammy, who wears #45 on the team, and talked to her about the event.

I then asked where the idea for a garage sale came from.

Has the team been doing this fundraiser for a while?

Rammy then told us a little more about the roller derby team.

The fun thing about the sport is that they don’t refer to contests as races or matches but as bouts.

So how did the team get started?

The biggest shame, as told by Rammy, is the fact that Roller Derby is a sport that sometimes goes under the radar.

Rammy was then asked what the biggest goal from this fundraiser would be.

So here is a reminder of when and where the fundraiser is being held.

So be sure to stop on by May 24th-26th for the garage sale and help support your local Roller Derby team!