Sugarbeet crop at Increased risk for Lygus Bugs this summer 

Sugarbeet crop at Increased risk for Lygus Bugs this summer 

July 4, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

During the KRJB Farm and Field Show on Wednesday R&J Ag Reporter Nick Revier caught up with NDSU Research & Extension Entomologist Dr Mark Botel to discuss the Lygus (Lie-Gus) Bug, which he sees becoming more of an issue as summer moves along. 

Dr Botel says sugarbeet producers should be on the lookout for the Lygus Bug in their crop and he tells us some symptoms that they should look for. 

If you find Lygus Bugs in your crop talk to your agronomist for management options.