Norman County East Students visiting Washington DC 

Norman County East Students visiting Washington DC 

July 29, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

About a dozen students from Norman County East High School will be visiting Washington DC later this week to learn more about American history and government.  Norman County East history teacher and trip advisor Todd Clow says he’s excited to be able to offer this opportunity to students and he tells us some of the stops they’re making. 

Clow says they will be making a stop at a new location this year as well. 

As mentioned before this is the second time that Norman County East Students have been given this opportunity, and Clow says that one thing that stands out about the trip is the learning aspect of it and how engaging it is for his students. 

This Washington DC trip is offered to NCE students every two years. Full conversation with Todd Clow: