Naytahwaush Woman Dies

Naytahwaush Woman Dies

July 30, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Mahnomen County Sheriff’s Office and White Earth Police responded Monday night to a report of a woman who was bleeding from the arm and unresponsive.  The call came at 10:38pm Monday to a Naytahwaush residence.  At first, it appeared the victim had been cut.  She was taken by ambulance to the Mahnomen Health Center, where doctors found two wounds which appeared to be entrance and exit wounds…similar to a gunshot wound.  The woman later died in the emergency room.  A preliminary exam at the University of North Dakota Forensic Pathology Center revealed the victim had two intravenous wounds from a previous surgery that had become severely infected, causing an artery in the arm to bleed.  The woman died of sepsis.  Her name has not yet been released.