Beet piling season fast approaching, drivers reminded to be extra cautious  

Beet piling season fast approaching, drivers reminded to be extra cautious  

August 8, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Mid-August is fast approaching, and that means that the sugarbeet piling season is just about underway. Harrison Weber of the Red River Valley Growers Association says there’s a lot of excitement in the sugarbeet industry after the sampling results from week zero. 

With the start of pre-piling next week, Weber says that there is a need for labor, especially in beet hauling, and that there are opportunities for people to make some extra money. 

Beet piling season is also one of the busiest times of the year for rural Minnesota, and North Dakota roads, and Weber reminds everyone to be extra cautious when driving. 

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