Leiting vs Fertile Update

Leiting vs Fertile Update

August 8, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Here’s an update to a story R&J News has been following.  There was a status conference this week regarding Angie Leiting’s lawsuit against the City of Fertile, Fair Meadow Nursing Home and Fertile Mayor Dan Wilkens.  You’ll remember Leiting resigned her job as Fair Meadow administrator under pressure in August 2023.  At the status conference, Judge Anne Rasmusson ordered a motion hearing for August 23 to determine if a Special Master should be appointed in this case.  A Special Master is appointed by the judge to ensure judicial orders are followed…or to hear evidence on the judge’s behalf and make recommendations to the judge.

Judge Rasmusson also ruled that subpoenas and depositions from either side will be suspended until the matter of a Special Master is decided.