Mahnomen Superintendent Jeff Bisek retiring at end of school year 

Mahnomen Superintendent Jeff Bisek retiring at end of school year 

September 11, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

After a 16 year career of serving the School District, Mahnomen Superintendent Jeff Bisek gave his retirement notice to the Mahnomen School Board at their meeting on Monday Night. Bisek says he is excited to start this new journey at the end of the school year, and says the board will start the process of finding his replacement. 

The Mahnomen School Board also gave a notice for a general election this November, and Bisek is happy to announce that there was widespread interest in servicing the district, with nine people running for three positions.

Bisek says the board also certified their preliminary tax levy for 2025, and says that there will be minimal change in people’s taxes. 

Finally, Bisek gave an update on how the school year has gone so far. 

For the latest news and updates from the Mahnomen School District tune into the Mahnomen School News on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM on 101.5 FM KRJM.