Firearm Safety Reminders 

Firearm Safety Reminders 

September 12, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Gun usage across Northwest Minnesota, and North East North Dakota is about to increase due to the fall hunting season, and people are reminded to make sure they’re doing their part in making sure their firearms are handled safely. Norman County Sheriff’s Deputy, and Firearm Instructor Matt Nikle reminds you to follow the four primary rules of firearm safety. 

There’s a common misconception that firearm accidents only tend to  happen with novices who are not used to using a firearm, but Nikle says this is untrue and shares some common bad practices he sees novices and experienced shooters make. 

Child accidental shootings have become all too common across the United States, and Deputy Nikle shared some things you can do as parents to keep guns out of your child’s hands. 

People with questions on firearm safety should reach out to their local law enforcement agency.