Rainy River Volleyball first ever Coach’s Choice Awards

Rainy River Volleyball first ever Coach’s Choice Awards

September 12, 2024 --- School News - KSDM/KGHS News -- KSDM-KGHS Sports News 0

The Rainy River Volleyball team will be traveling over to the Mesabi Range campus for an away game scheduled for 6:30pm. I got the chance to talk to Coach Nosan about the team and these recent Coach’s Choice Awards that were announced yesterday.

One particular player whom was robbed of the MCAC defensive award was International Falls very own Karsen Korpi, Karsen totaled 53 digs in 11 total sets.

Another player chosen for the Coach’s Choice Defensive award was Anna Alongi, she had 30 total digs in 9 sets and also tallied 12 kills.

Then, on the offensive side of the court, Ninette Lopez and Jocelyn Copeland were the two players chosen for their efforts.

Ninette finished the week with 33 kills in 11 sets as well as 31 digs and 3 ace serves.

Copeland would get 31 kills, 43 digs, and 14 ace serves also in 11 sets.

Speaking of conference play, the Voyageurs have been on fire recently with only a small hiccup being their close loss to Central Lakes. So, Coach Nosan gives us a runthrough on the season up to this point.

And we’ll see a win in the rematch?

She was then asked what the biggest contributor to the team’s success has been.

Coach Nosan then talked about today’s game against Mesabi Range.

Another Award that certainly can’t be ignored was the “Teammate of the Week” which was given to Anahi Martinez.

Coach Nosan makes sure to end the interview with a heads up on their next contest.