Hillsboro Fire and Rescue Tackle House Fire Friday, Host Open House Saturday

Hillsboro Fire and Rescue Tackle House Fire Friday, Host Open House Saturday

September 30, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

A Hillsboro home is deemed a total loss after a fire, Friday. Late Friday afternoon, Hillsboro Fire and Rescue, along with other emergency personnel, responded to the fire at 411 North Main Street. No one was injured, but Assistant Fire Chief, Jake Rust, says the home is a total loss. 

Rust says there is no clear indication as to where and how the fire started.

The department was also in action on a different sort Saturday with an open house. Rust explains the purpose of the event.

Secretary, Steve Haffely, explains why the department chose to seek the sales tax route for funding.

You can hear more from Rust and Haffely in our full interview below: