Good Samaritan Food Shelf seeking donations for the holidays

Good Samaritan Food Shelf seeking donations for the holidays

December 13, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Holidays are a busy time for local food shelves, and the Good Samaritan Food Shelf at St Williams Church in Twin Valley is currently seeking donations so that they can be prepared for Christmas and winter break. Good Samaritan Food Shelf director Nancy Crompton says any food or monetary donations would be appreciated. 

Due to the Holidays Crompton says people should be aware of some changes in hours over the next couple weeks. 

However, Crompton says the North Country Food Bank will still be making their stop this month, but due to Christmas landing their regular stop date they will be doing their food drop on December 18. 

To make a donation to the food shelf contact Nancy Crompton 218-784-8363 to get a meet up scheduled.