Beware of Phone Scams 

Beware of Phone Scams 

February 7, 2025 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Phones are becoming more and more ingrained into our daily lives, and while this is making things more accessible, it’s also leaving scammers more accessible to you. Polk County Sheriff Jim Tadman highlights some of the phone scams that have been reported to his office recently, that you should be aware of. 

Tadman also told us more about a scam that was targeting college students. 

Lastly, Tadman shared some red flags to be aware of when it comes to scammers trying to collect payments. 

Sheriff Tadman was a guest on the KKCQ Food For Thought Program which airs weekdays at 8:45 AM on 96.7 FM KKCQ.