Free safeTALK trainings being offered across Northwest Minnesota 

Free safeTALK trainings being offered across Northwest Minnesota 

March 4, 2025 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Late last year R&J News told you about SAFE Talk Training that were being held across Northwest Minnesota thanks to the Northwest Minnesota Foundation and Eyes on the Horizon. After a break due to the busy holiday and winter season the program will resume on March 26 in Mahnomen, and registration is still open. safeTALK Trainer Monica McConkey tells us more about these safeTalk trainings. 

McConkey says the Northwest Minnesota Foundation wanted to team up with Eyes on the Horizon due to an increased need in suicide prevention services in rural Minnesota. 

McConkey says there will be three more training sessions held across Northwest Minnesota over the next few months, and she tells us where they will be held, and what they will be focused on. 

For more information on the safeTALK training or to register for one go to