GK Technology holding Ag Geek Insight Symposium 

GK Technology holding Ag Geek Insight Symposium 

March 5, 2025 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Ag Geeks over at GK Technology invite you to the Hilton Garden inn in Fargo on March 18 for their Ag Geek Insight Symposium . Sarah Lovas of GK Technology tells us more about the event. 

Lovas says they will be offering many different sessions covering a broad range of topics, and she previews some of the ones they have planned. 

Pre-registration is required to attend this event, and Lovas tells us how you can get your spot secured. 

For more information on the Symposium go to the GK Technology website at gktechinc.com.