Busy times for the Arts at Hillsboro School 

Busy times for the Arts at Hillsboro School 

March 5, 2025 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

It’s a busy time for the Arts at the Hillsboro Schools as students will be traveling all over for different events and activities over the next week. Hillsboro High School Principal Terry Baesler says a group of students will be traveling abroad for a special art trip. 

Baesler says it’s also a busy couple weeks for students in music, as a group of Junior High performers will be participating in Raging on the Red later this week. 

Baesler said it’s the High School’s turn next week, as students will be participating in the small groups competition.

Baesler was a guest on the Hillsboro School News which airs Tuesdays at 1:05 PM on 106.5 FM KRJB.