House GOP Caucus pushes for passing of fraud prevention bills 

House GOP Caucus pushes for passing of fraud prevention bills 

March 11, 2025 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Minnesota House GOP Caucus pushed for the Minnesota Legislature to pass a pair of bills in the Houses that they hope will help address Minnesota’s “fraud problem”. Representative Jim Nash (R-Waconia) tells us more about their first of the two bills called HF3. 

The second bill being pushed by the GOP Caucus called HF23 would implement whistleblower protections for public employees. Bill Chief Author Rep. Kristin Robbins explains the need for the bill, and why she thinks it’s important. 

HF3 was tabled for reconsideration during Monday’s Floor session. HF23 was passed by the House unanimously.