Isle City Council meeting from March 8th

Isle City Council meeting from March 8th

March 9, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (3/10/22)

(Isle, MN) — The City of Isle received important updates on their numerous Engineering projects while taking action on Russian products at the Isle Municipal Liquor Store during their March 8th Council meeting. 

Isle City Clerk Jamie Hubbell first noted about the City of Isle establishing their polling places after the release of the new House District Maps.

A Public Hearing was also held concerning the Lodging Tax Ordinance after local resorts presented their thoughts on the issue.

The City Engineer gave project updates for the Water/Sewer Main Contract, Water Meter Project, Well House Well Project, and the State Park & Industrial Park.

Discussion was also held on removing Russian products off the shelves at Isle Municipal Liquor and discontinuing any purchasing until further notice.

The Council will also be sending a letter proposal to Representative Pete Stauber for the City’s Park Improvement Project.

The Council also approved sending a letter of request to the State Senate concerning the payment of public safety radios and support for their ARMER Agreement and gave approval for a revised quote for the purchase of governmental software, Civic Systems. 

Approval was also given for Special USe Permits for D&N Vacation Rental LLC (555 Lake Street) and Christianson VRBO (1465 White Cloud Drive), while a Liquor License Renewal to Beckham’s and donations were also approved by the Council.

The Isle City Council is next scheduled to meet on Tuesday, April 12th at 6pm from the City Hall Council Chambers. The full conversation with Isle City Clerk Jamie Hubbell can be found here: