Contingent on Bond Rate, Norman County Board of Commissioners Accepts Bids for Highway Department Building

Contingent on Bond Rate, Norman County Board of Commissioners Accepts Bids for Highway Department Building

March 15, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Ada, MN — The proposed new Norman County Highway Department only has one more hurdle before becoming a reality. At their meeting last week, the Norman County Board of Commissioners accepted a bid from Bradbury Stamm Construction of $9.875 million and approved a resolution to pay for a portion of the building using a half cent sales tax, along with current state aid payments. Norman County Commissioner Lee Ann Hall says that sales tax will not apply to things such as agricultural goods or new vehicles.

The county is also putting a down payment of about $2.2 million that they already had set aside for a new highway department building.

However, the acceptance of the bids is contingent upon a favorable bond interest rate. According to Commissioner Hall, the rate they are anticipating is around 2.5%.

Construction of the 39,000 square foot building would begin as soon as possible, but an estimated completion date was not provided. It would be built behind the current building, which will continue to be used until the new one is completed, at which it point it would be demolished.

Hall says she remains hopeful for a favorable interest rate and that the highway department will finally get a building that suits their needs.

The Norman County Board of Commissioners will review the bond interest rate and vote on the final step in the project at their meeting this Thursday, March 17th.