DNR reminds homeowners of tips to avoid bears this Spring

DNR reminds homeowners of tips to avoid bears this Spring

March 31, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold kkin@rjbroadcasting.com (4/1/22)
(Minnesota) — As they break out of hibernation, bears will be foraging for food and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources reminds homeowners to check their property for food sources that could attract them.
Some helpful tips do include avoid feeding birds from April 1-November 1st or hang bird feeders 10 feet up and 4 feet out of the nearest trees; do not put feed out for wildlife; do not leave food from barbeques and picnics outdoors, especially overnight; harvest produce as it matures, store pet food and feed pets inside.
For your garbage, store in bear-resistant garbage cans or dumpsters; keep garbage inside a secure building until the morning of pickup; properly rinse all recyclable containers with hot water to remove all remaining product; and store recyclable containers, such as pop cans, inside.
If bear problems persist after cleaning up food sources, contact a DNR area wildlife office for advice. More information can be obtained by calling 651-296-6157, 888-646-6367, on the DNR’s website, or www.bearwise.org.