Crow Wing County Highway Maintenance project for week of May 16th

Crow Wing County Highway Maintenance project for week of May 16th

May 16, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

County maintenance crews will perform crack sealing operations on County Road (CR) 107 in
Pequot Lakes/Nisswa, County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 15 in Gail Lake and Jenkins
Township, and CSAH 17 in Pequot Lakes, early in the week.

County contractors will perform crack sealing operations on CSAH 3 and CSAH 4 in Lake
Edward Township, and CSAH 3 in Mission Township and the City of Crosslake, throughout the

Maintenance crews may be working in the drive lane and on the shoulders simultaneously,
creating the need to close one or more lanes of traffic. Signing, flaggers, or portable traffic lights
will control the traffic flow through these work areas.

Gravel road shoulder discing and gravel smoothing operations will be taking place on various
gravel County, FAD & SAD roads early in the week.

Please drive alert, slow down, and be prepared for unexpected circumstances while driving near
crews working.

Spring road load limits will be ending on all County paved roads Monday, May 16, 2022. Gravel
road load limits will remain in effect until conditions improve.

All maintenance work is weather sensitive and subject to delay or change.

For further information on the county highway system, or to report a roadway issue, please
contact the Highway Department at (218) 824-1110 or visit our Crow Wing County website at