Wake the Lakes “Dimwit-ZZZZ-Dum” 6-29-23

Wake the Lakes “Dimwit-ZZZZ-Dum” 6-29-23

June 29, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

–When you can’t remember something, but remember it later, your brain knew the answer but wouldn’t tell itself.

–You know you’re an adult when you’re relieved to only get junk mail.

–When AIs become self-aware, they’ll know immediately to hide that fact from us and then the world will cave in on itself.

–Future interplanetary travel will have seasonal price fluctuations during specific times due to proximity between the two planets.

–Once humans have lived on Mars for long enough, a Martian accent will develop.

–A properly cut pizza will always be a pie chart for how much you like pizza that day.

–The loudness of a person’s car is almost always directly proportionate to their self-importance.

–Whoever created pineapple pizza has single-handedly created endless amounts of arguments and essentially divided society.

–If the Fast and Furious franchise ever merges with the Transformers franchise, we’ll get the dumbest and explodiest series of movies ever made.

–Xylophones wouldn’t be nearly as popular if they weren’t the only thing people could think of that began with ‘X’.

–Most of society is a scam designed to keep us preoccupied until we finally lay down and die.

–Holy water in a Humidifier is the most efficient way of ridding a house of evil.

–When millennials become senior citizens, dial-up internet will be their version of walking 20 miles in the snow just to get to school.

–An apple a day will keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough.