Win-E-Mac School Hosting Shoe Drive
As the first day of school approaches the Win-E-Mac School District wants to make sure that every kid is outfitted with a pair of shoes that meet their needs. After seeing lots of success with the holiday giving tree Cassie Subbert and Melissa Smeby decided to build on that with a back to school shoe drive. Smeby explains the details of the shoe drive.
Smeby also explains what made them choose shoes as the item to give to those in need.
There is still time for families in need of shoes to get signed up to be placed on the shoe tree.
If you are interested in helping out a family in need of shoes you can go to the Win-E-Mac School website on Monday, July 31 and get a child assigned to you. People with any questions about the Shoe Drive are also encouraged to reach out to Melissa or Cassie at the Win-E-Mac School at 218-563-2900.