Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 8-15-23

Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 8-15-23

August 15, 2023 Wake the Lakes 0

Canadians have a reputation for being very nice people, so much so that even their criminals are nice. The owner of a bakery in Vancouver arrived at the shop in the morning to find that someone had broken in through the front door. She reviewed the surveillance footage and saw a man kick through the glass door and enter the bakery. Once inside, he took a seat and for a quick breather, and then picked up a broom and swept up all of the broken glass on the floor. When he was done, and the floor was all clean, he snapped a selfie on the owner’s phone, grabbed a box of chocolate cupcakes, and carefully stepped back out through the door. The owner, Emma Irvine, says she’s upset that she has to pay to fix the door, but thought the video was funny and is pleased that he cleaned up. She’s also happy about all of the attention her bakery has been getting.