Open Seats on Various Committees and Commissions in Brainerd
There are several open seats on various committees and commissions in Brainerd. Whatever the year, each of the terms ends on December 31. Five of them are on the Rental Dwelling License Board of Appeals, an advisory board about the rental housing maintenance code for properties within the city. The Charter Commission also has four vacancies. Two of them expire in 2024 and two in 2025. One term that expires in 2025 is available on the Brainerd Lakes Public Library Board, while the Parking Commission has one that expires in 2026. The Transportation Advisory Committee has one term expiring at the end of this year. Anyone serving on any of the boards, with one exception, either has to reside in Brainerd or own property in Brainerd. The exception is for the Library Board. Members there must reside in the city itself.