Ada VFW Post 7557 Honors Medal of Honor Recipient Louis J Hauge Jr

Ada VFW Post 7557 Honors Medal of Honor Recipient Louis J Hauge Jr

May 28, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Yesterday was Memorial Day and millions of people across the country took time to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. During their memorial service yesterday the Ada VFW Post 7557 honored their Post namesake and Medal of Honor recipient Louis J Hauge Jr, and told us more about his story. VFW Post 7557 Commander Craig Larson. 

Larson also spoke of Louis J Hauge Jr’s heroic actions that took his life and got him awarded a Medal of Honor by President Harry Truman. 

The full Memorial Day ceremony can be seen on the Your Live Event Facebook Page.