Author: WWWI AM

Local Radio

Crow Wing County Veterans’ Service Officer, Erik Flowers 5-25-23

Crow Wing County Veterans’ Service Officer, Erik Flowers, talks about Memorial Day and the upcoming ceremonies being held in Brainerd for this May 29th. He also highlights the various services and assistance that their office can provide for our area veterans.

May 25, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Day” 5-25-23

–The generation that created the internet, smartphones, and tablets all played outside as children!–It would be really weird if emotional drama’s had “cry tracks” similar to sitcoms with laugh tracks.–Why are there two ways of abbreviating “it is not.”?? (It’s not AND It isn’t)–If your dog had social media, it would be consistently filled with…
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May 25, 2023 0

“Weird and Wacky Wednesday” 5-24-23

Here’s a sign that maybe — just maybe — we’ve taken recycling a bit too far. Engineers in Japan built a single-story house using recycled dirty diapers as part of the concrete.  Now before you start to think that the walls could bleed baby poop, that offending material was removed by the engineers by tearing…
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May 24, 2023 0

“Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 5-23-23

A Colorado driver, who was pulled over for speeding, tried to pull a fast one on the police by switching places with his dog in the car to avoid being arrested. The officer who pulled him over noticed the driver moving around inside the car and then getting out from the passenger side. He told…
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May 23, 2023 0

Preview of Memorial Day Ceremonies in Brainerd Monday May 29, 2023

Mark Persons, Webmaster and Chaplain at the Brainerd VFW, and Mike Williams, former Navy corpsman and currently a Sergeant at Arms at the Brainerd VFW (as well as being a part of the Brainerd Honor Guard), speak about Memorial Day and the ceremonies scheduled for May 29, 2023. The 2nd Annual Brainerd VFW Freedom Festival…
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May 23, 2023 0

Brainerd Lions Club 5-23-23

Nancy Cross, President Elect of the Brainerd Lions, provides a little history about the organization and tells us about the many ways that the Brainerd Lions Club helps and supports the Brainerd Lakes Area.

May 23, 2023 0

More Random Useful Hacks for Your Life Hacks for the Week 5-22-23

–Use a binder clip to protect the head of razors. – Use a pillowcase from a sheet set to keep the rest of the sheets stored in an orderly pile. –Carry lotion in a contact case when traveling. –When freezing ground meat, flatten it out as much as you can to reduce thawing time. –When…
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May 22, 2023 0

Essentia Health – Deerwood, MN Open House

Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Vice President of Ambulatory Operations at Essentia Health, reminds our listeners of the new Essentia Health St. Joseph’s Deerwood Clinic and Pharmacy opening June 5th. They will be having an open house to celebrate the occasion on Wednesday, May 31st, from 4:30-6:30pm.

May 22, 2023 0

Lakes Jam Preview 2023

Ken Lacy, General Manager of Lakes Jam, joins us along with Tommy Vee from Rockhouse Productions in St. Joseph, MN to talk about how they work together to maximize the overall sound quality of this concert event.

May 22, 2023 0