Waubun Ogema White Earth School News 2/20/25
News and information from the Waubun Ogema White Earth School District.
Local Radio
News and information from the Waubun Ogema White Earth School District.
This Saturday area performers will be performing for the annual “Give a Veteran a Lift” fundraiser at the Bagley High School Auditorium. Tim Johnson of the “Snowmen” tells us more about this special event, and what musical acts will be performing. Money raised from this event will go to the Clearwater County Veterans Transportation Fund,…
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The Win-E-Mac School Board met in regular session on Tuesday night. Win-E-Mac Superintendent Aaron Cook says it was a light agenda, and he gives us a recap of some of the items taken up by the board. With the Legislative Session in full swing, Cook says there was a lengthy discussion about what is happening…
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Norman County East FFA will have representation on the Region 1 FFA officer team in 2025/2026 as Norman County East FFA Chapter President Katelyn Duray has been elected to serve an unannounced regional officer position. Duray tells us more about the position, and why she wanted to become a regional officer. Duray is currently serving…
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On January 1 new restrictions in charitable gaming e-tabs were put into effect due to their similarities to slot machines, and organizations are already feeling the effects. On Wednesday morning House Republicans held a press conference to announce their intentions of getting this new legislation reversed. Bill Author Rep. Bjorn Olson (R-Fairmont) tells us more…
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There’s going to be a fishing derby for kids this Saturday on Lake Ida, sponsored by the Cormorant Lakes Sportsmans Club. Club President Wayne McDunn talks about the Luke Gandrud Memorial Youth Fishing Derby. McDunn talks about Luke Gandrud, for whom the fishing derby is named after. This youth fishing derby is for those ages…
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FERTILE, MN—Students at Fertile-Beltrami are turning into bookworms this month. Fertile-Beltrami Principal Natty Messick says it’s because February is “I Love To Read” month. You can hear the latest Fertile-Beltrami School News Tuesday mornings at 10:30 on Gold 101.5 KRJM.
A new company in Crookston has developed what they believe is a better way for area producers to utilize suagarbeet lime. R&J Ag Reporter Nick Revier caught up with Greg Johnson of Northstar Lime who tells us more about this new product. Johnson says the hope is that this product would be used more as…
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Traill County EDC held their Monthly Board meeting on Tuesday, and updates were given on how business is doing in Traill County. Recently the City of Hillsboro lost three businesses, and Traill County EDC has been trying to get new businesses to come in and fill these available spaces. EDC Executive Director Jim Murphy tells…
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