Brainerd Lakes Area Representative of District 6B, Josh Heintzeman 1-19-24
Brainerd Lakes Area Representative of District 6B, Josh Heintzeman, discusses the Highway 210/Washington Street improvement project with regards to funding, the future of Minnesota’s finances in the next biennium, the group “Hunters for Hunters” focusing on wolves and more!
Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZ-DUM for the Week” 1-18-24
–First and foremost, waking up this morning was an eye-opening experience.–I think this generation will have to go into separate rooms and text each other to best work out their problems.–When you write the letter “u” instead of spelling out “y–o–u”, what do you do with all the time you save?–Retirement is the time in…
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Brainerd Public Schools Foundation and their 11th Annual Big Event 2024
Jessica Gangl, Executive Director of the Brainerd Public Schools Foundation, informs us of the various ways BPSF supports the Brainerd Public Schools and what to look forward to regarding their 11th Annual Big Event coming up on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024.
Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 1-16-24
A Colorado crook carrying thousands of dollars of stolen merchandise walked right into the police’s hands after he was caught trying to use an Uber as a getaway car, cops said. The bungling burglar was ransacking a plumbing store in the Denver suburbs last week when he called a rideshare driver to pick him up. …
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2024 Crosslake Winterfest
Jesse Eide, member of the Winterfest Volunteer Committee, previews their upcoming Winterfest event in Crosslake, MN February 1-3, 2024.
Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZ-DUM for the Week” 1-11-24
–The major thing group projects taught us in school was that you had to do extra work to pick up the slack of others.–Egyptian babies didn’t know that one day their Daddy would become a Mummy.–Whomever put the “S” in fastfood is marketing genius.–A stock market crash is worse than a divorce, you lose half…
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