Cause Of 2023 Borup Fire Officially Undetermined

Cause Of 2023 Borup Fire Officially Undetermined

June 5, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Here’s an update to a story R&J News has been following.  The cause of a fire in Borup in April 2023 has been officially classified as “Undetermined.”  You might remember on April 9th of last year, which was Easter Sunday, fire destroyed a bar and grill located at 210 Main Avenue in Borup.  The Minnesota State Fire Marshal was called to investigate the cause of the fire.  After an  investigation that took several months, the Fire Marshal determined the fire started under the floor of the building…but there weren’t any electrical wires, HVAC or natural gas lines under the floor in any part of the building. So the cause of that fire is officially “Undetermined.”