Central Valley School District Relieved by Budget Surplus

Central Valley School District Relieved by Budget Surplus

August 15, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Coming off a good round of preliminary budget discussions earlier this summer, the Central Valley School District has set themselves up with a cushion of nearly $17,000.

Superintendent, Jeremy Brandt, says the district’s in a good spot financially.

The surplus will certainly help in one area of deficit spending, the school’s food service costs.

Brandt says enrollment for the year is projected at 206 students, which is about the same as last year. He’s also pleased to be fully staffed for the year. In other action items at yesterday’s board meeting, the board set the date of a recall election concerning current board member, David Seyfried. The election is scheduled for September 24th at Central Valley High School in Buxton.

The next board meeting will be September 11th at 7am in the boardroom.