City of Buxton Orders Demolition of New Hardware Store

City of Buxton Orders Demolition of New Hardware Store

June 13, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Buxton City Council met in regular session Wednesday evening.

The Council voted unanimously to order the demolition of the city’s former hardware store. During the meeting, Mayor Travis Soderberg shared with the council that he has seen no measurable progress to clean and secure the property at 307 Broadway, currently owned by Dennis Riedhammer of Riedhammer Masonry, LLC. Soderberg tells R&J News that this is unfortunately the next step in what has been a nearly year-long process. 

Riedhammer has thirty days to submit an appeal to the order, otherwise the city will demolish the property.

In other agenda items, the council discussed the implications of the measure passed in Tuesday’s elections that would dissolve the city’s park board. Soderberg details the next steps, saying the changes shouldn’t affect taxpayers at this time.

During the meeting, the council also approved a bid to trim and remove a selection of trees on Broadway and a new computer for City Auditor, Jackie Siewert.