City of Buxton Schedules Special Meeting to Review 2025 Preliminary Budget

City of Buxton Schedules Special Meeting to Review 2025 Preliminary Budget

July 11, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Buxton City Council met in regular session Wednesday evening.

The Council spent a good amount of the meeting combing through the specifics of the 2025 preliminary budget. While the majority of the budget looks to remain the same for next year, there will be some changes. Specifically, the city is preparing to absorb the Buxton Park Board’s budget, which will increase the city’s share by around $10,000.

Mayor Travis Soderberg says that, while the council reviews the rest of the adjustments to the budget for next year, this is a great opportunity for residents to voice their thoughts. 

The council set the special budget meeting for Wednesday, August 7th at 7pm at the Buxton Fire Hall. 

In other discussion items, Soderberg informed the council that there has been some positive progress at the condemned property at 317 Broadway, currently owned by Riedhammer Masonry, LLC. Soderberg gives the update to R & J News.

The Council also discussed hiring a part-time seasonal laborer and amending requirements to city liquor licenses. No formal action was taken on either item.