City of Buxton Tidying up the Town in Time For Spring Cleaning

City of Buxton Tidying up the Town in Time For Spring Cleaning

May 9, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Buxton City Council met in regular session Wednesday evening.

During the meeting, Buxton Mayor, Travis Soderberg, expressed his appreciation to residents for taking full advantage of last Saturday’s spring clean up day.

Soderberg says the city is also looking at tidying up an agenda item from last September: the condemnation process of the building at 317 Broadway, currently owned by Riedhammer Masonry, LLC. Soderberg says next Wednesday’s meeting is open to the public. 

During the meeting, the council also approved the sale of an acre of land to an area land owner, Alan Watson, for $500. The acre on the west edge of town, which was initially purchased by the city in 1929, was primarily used as an additional water supply, particularly for horses.