Crosby City Council meeting from January 10th

Crosby City Council meeting from January 10th

January 11, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (1/12/22)

(Crosby, MN) — The Crosby City Council’s first regular meeting of 2022 included a public hearing on an alley vacation request and Committee Appointments in the Council Chamber at City Hall Monday night.

City Administrator Matthew Hill provided the background for the alley vacation during the public hearing. 

The Council moved to deny the application for the alley vacation request. The 2022 Committee Appointments were contested with Mayor Diane Cash asking Council member Paul Hegland to be removed from the Public Works Committee, which did it come to fruition. 

Administrator Hill also opened talks on the sidewalk corridor snow removal additions.

Those additions will be taking effect internally for snow removal. Crosby Police Chief Andrew Rooney also spoke to the Council concerning the resignation of two part-time officers.

The resignations were accepted and the Council approved Consent agenda items of donations and the IRS Mileage Reimbursement Rate change to .585 cents per mile.