Crow Wing County Board Weighs Redistricting, Highway Improvement Plan, and More in April 12 Meeting
(BRAINERD, MN) — The Crow Wing County Board held its first regular meeting of the month of April on Tuesday.
During the long and intensive meeting, the board considered the completed proposal for redistricting for commissioner districts…
The full proposed map can be found below (top image), but it was approved unanimously.
The board also heard from engineer Tim Bray, who presented the county’s Highway Improvement Plan for 2022-2026…
Both a summary and map of the plan can be found below. The board held a public hearing on the plan and received comments from two residents that were concerned with the implementation of roundabouts – one of whom suggested there ought to be greater importance placed on public education on roundabouts, and one who suggested that the board was being innefficient with tax dollars by implementing them, alleging that they tend to be “10 times more expensive” to construct than stoplight or stop sign intersections. Bray offered this in response to the roundabout-related skepticism…
Commissioner Paul Koering agreed and called the allegations of misuse of tax dollars “baloney,” with Bray directing people to the county website, which offers educational resources on modern roundabouts here. Ultimately, the plan was approved unanimously.
The full Crow Wing County Board meeting from April 12 can be viewed here.