Ernie Saeland, A Norman County Staple 

Ernie Saeland, A Norman County Staple 

July 26, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

If you go to an event in Norman County there’s a good chance that you might see Ernie Saeland and his small engine collection. Whether it be the Norman County Fair, Twin Valley Town and Country Days or the Flom Parade you have likely seen Ernie with pieces from his collection. R&J News has the opportunity to talk with Ernie about his collection, and he tells us how it was started, and why he got into engines. 

Ernie’s collection has grown over the years, and he says his family has actually picked up the hobby. 

To give you an idea of what kind of contraptions are a part his collection, Ernie tells us about one of his favorite pieces called a Delco-Light Plant. 

If you’re at an event in Norman County, be sure to be on the lookout for Ernie and his collection.