Farm Bill Update

Farm Bill Update

May 1, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Progress on a new Farm Bill in the US House of Representatives has been minimal, but many across the agriculture industry are calling for Washington to ramp up progress. One of these people is Luther Markwart of the  American Sugarbeet Growers Association who says that getting a bill done before the end of May is important.

Markwart says that he believes there has been more progress being made behind the scenes than people think, but still says it’s important for Democrats and Republicans to work together and get a bill done. 

Finally Markwart talked about potential issues with the Environmental Protection Agency and how they could play a role in Farm Bill Legislation as well. 

For more news and programming in agriculture, tune into the Farm and Field Show every Wednesday from 2:00 to 5:00 on 106.5 KRJB.