Good Samaritan Food Shelf Providing Thanksgiving Meal Boxes to Those in Need

Good Samaritan Food Shelf Providing Thanksgiving Meal Boxes to Those in Need

November 22, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Twin Valley, MN — Just ahead of Thanksgiving Holiday, the Good Samaritan Food Shelf of Twin Valley will be putting together and delivering meal baskets to area families in need. They expect to deliver around 3 dozen or more of the baskets, which include items such as turkey breasts, stuffing, potatoes and gravy, and an assortment of vegetables. But costs to purchase those items have gone up significantly, as has the demand for the food shelf in general. Nancy Crompton of the Good Samaritan Food Shelf says they could use some support to make sure their needs are met during the holiday season.

The Good Samaritan Food Shelf packages and delivers the box for the three major holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter and has been doing for the last 9 years.

Crompton adds the Food Shelf in Twin Valley, which is located within the St. Williams Catholic Church, has seen a great deal of support from the community, especially from the youth organizations. She hopes people continue to volunteer and donate to help those less fortunate.

You can support the Good Samaritan Food Shelf by dropping off checks (payable to: Good Samaritan Food Shelf) at the United Valley Bank in Twin Valley.

If you know of a family in need in the Ada, Borup, Gary, Twin Valley, Flom, Ulen, or Hitterdal Area, please contact Nancy Crompton at 218-784-8363.