Hatton Honors Eielson’s Historic Flight to Alaska

Hatton Honors Eielson’s Historic Flight to Alaska

June 10, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Hatton, North Dakota honored their most famous resident over the weekend. On Sunday, the Hatton-Eielson Museum celebrated the 100th anniversary of Carl Ben Eielson’s famous first airmail expedition to Alaska.

The expedition took place February 21st, 1924. The program featured several theatrical and musical presentations. Museum Board Co-President, Linda Reinhart, says the community needs to continue to tell Eielson’s story.

Reinhart says Eielson serves as a great role model for kids with big dreams today.

The next event at the museum will be the 4th of July celebration. You can listen to the full interview with Reinhart below:

You can also view a few snapshots from the event on our Facebook page.