Hillsboro Commission Looks for Solutions in Public Works Department

Hillsboro Commission Looks for Solutions in Public Works Department

August 20, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Hillsboro City Commission met in regular session Monday evening. 

After months of unsuccessful efforts to hire a replacement for former Public Works Superintendent, Jim Anderson, the commission settled on elevating current employees, Jay Alfson and Zach Anderson, to fill the duties. The arrangement carries a six month evaluation period with an $8 per hour raise for both. 

The financial impact of this move, along with previous public works employment decisions by the commission, sparked heated discussion both within the commission and one citizen, who voiced their concerns during the public forum. No additional formal action was taken as a result of these discussions. City Commission President, Levi Reese, also declined to comment.

The commission also held lengthy discussion on the status of the armory. As a result of the discussion on long term leasing, the commission approved a 15-year lease with Mayville State University to continue operations of their daycare program. The program intends to make major renovations to the kitchen and to replace the current playground with an all-inclusive playground. The total cost of the renovations is estimated at over $250,000. The commission is still seeking an individual or business to clean the armory after events. 

In other formal action, the commission approved: the annexation of seven acres of land near the southeast corner of the city for a new subdivision; proceeding with financial assistance to Mak Construction of Grand Forks, who intends to build five homes in the city; and a series of event street closures and permits. The commission also continued discussions on property owned by Tim Wright. No formal action was taken on that discussion.

You can watch the full meeting here: Hillsboro City Commission Meeting – August 19, 2024.