Hillsboro Public Forum Tuesday On Upcoming Levy Vote

Hillsboro Public Forum Tuesday On Upcoming Levy Vote

March 25, 2025 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

HILLSBORO, ND—If you have any questions about the upcoming school levy referendum in Hillsboro, you can get those questions answered Tuesday night.  The Hillsboro School District is holding a public forum at 7pm Tuesday at the Hillsboro High School library.  Voters in Hillsboro are being asked to approve a 12 mil operating levy in an April 22 election.  Hillsboro School officials say the proposed levy would bring in around $300,000 in revenue each year.  Last month, the Hillsboro School Board approved over $370,000 in budget cuts for the 2025-26 school year.  Again, this public forum starts at 7pm Tuesday at the Hillsboro High School Library.  R&J News will have a reporter there and have full coverage for you afterwards.