Mahnomen City Council Meets

Mahnomen City Council Meets

June 18, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0


Monday’s Mahnomen City Council meeting was on the quiet side.  The Council heard a presentation from Professor Eric Castle of the University of Minnesota-Crookston on the city’s Emerald Ash-Borer management plan.  According to Professor Castle, 66 percent of the trees on city-owned property are ash trees.  That’s 463 trees.  While the Emerald Ash-Borer has not yet been found in Mahnomen County, it’s thought to be inevitable that the insect that destroys ash trees will be in the county in the future.  The Council looked over a plan to remove all the city’s ash trees over the next few years, but took no action following the presentation.

The next Mahnomen City Council meeting will be on July 15, as the Council approved cancelling the July 1st meeting.

And congratulations to Mahnomen County Sheriff Josh Guenther and his wife, Mahnomen City Administrator Taylor Guenther.  Last Wednesday, June 12, they became parents of a baby boy. Lane Daniel weighed in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 20 and a half inches tall.