Mahnomen County Commission Frustrated with legislature over hospital bonding 

Mahnomen County Commission Frustrated with legislature over hospital bonding 

June 17, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Minnesota Legislative Session is over, and bonding funding has been decided, and many entities across greater Minnesota are frustrated with the Legislature over the lack of action. The Mahnomen County Commission is one of those groups after the Mahnomen Hospital Project was not selected for funding. Mahnomen County Commission Chair Darvin Schoenborn voiced his frustration on the KRJB Kaleidoscope last Thursday. 

Schoenborn says the commission will continue to push for support from the legislature as there’s nothing else that they can really do. 

The full conversation with Darvin Schoenborn can be heard on under the Kaleidoscope program.