Mudslingers OHV Club Hosting Youth ATV Safety Training

Mudslingers OHV Club Hosting Youth ATV Safety Training

April 22, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Ada, MN — The Mudslingers OHV Club will once again be offering a hands-on ATV Safety Training on Saturday, April 30th at 10am the Ada Fire Hall. The class is for those age 10 to 15. Prior to the training, they must first complete an online training course available on the Minnesota DNR website. The hands-on portion will provide training on basic ATV operation, protecting the environment, common ATV parts and control, rules and laws, responsible riding skills for trail tiding, and practicing and demonstrating the skills on an ATV course, according to Glen Visser of the Mudslingers OHV club.

To register for the Youth ATV training, email

In addition to the training, one of the big responsibilities of the Mudslingers is to maintain the Agassiz Recreational Trail. Visser says they are always looking for new members to help support local riding efforts.

To learn more about the Mudslingers, visit their website,