NDSU & U of M Extension unveiling new Sugarbeet Harvester today 

NDSU & U of M Extension unveiling new Sugarbeet Harvester today 

March 19, 2025 Farm News News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Later today the University of Minnesota and North Dakota State University Extension will be unveiling a new sugarbeet harvester at the International Sugarbeet Institute Trade Show at the Fargo Dome, that will be used in all future sugarbeet research projects. Dr. Tom Peters of NDSU extension tells us more. 

Peters also told us more about the new harvester, and what makes it unique, and better than their past one. 

Lastly Peters told us what kind of projects it will be used on, and where it will be used. 

For more news, and content from the International Sugarbeet Institute Trade Show stay tuned to R&J News, and KRJB 106.5 FM.