Norman County Fair FFA Day a success 

Norman County Fair FFA Day a success 

June 20, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Inaugural Norman County Fair FFA Day was yesterday, and dozens of FFA members past and present flocked to the Norman County Fair Grandstands to take in some music and celebrate everything FFA. In attendance at the event was FFA American Star Farmer winner Daniel Jossund who presented some awards and even rocked out on stage with Eli Alger and the Faster Horses. R&J News caught up with Jossund after the event to talk about the evening. 

Many FFA alumni were also in attendance on Wednesday night including Lynn Johnson who has been supporting the organization since he graduated 50 years ago. Johnson tells us more about his time in the FFA and how it’s helped get him to where he is today. 

Johnson also spoke on the importance of the community supporting an organization like FFA.