Polk County Sheriff Preaching Safety Ahead of Firearms Deer Season

Polk County Sheriff Preaching Safety Ahead of Firearms Deer Season

November 4, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Fosston, MN — Polk County Sheriff Jim Tadman preached safety to fellow hunters while on the KKCQ Food for Thought Program this week. Proper handling of firearms can never be stressed enough. Tadman reminds hunters to treat every gun as if it’s loaded, know your target and what’s beyond, and don’t put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

Even if all the right steps are followed, accidents can happen. Sheriff Tadman encourages hunters, especially those hunting alone or heading to remote areas, to be prepared for the worst.

So far since January 1st, there have been 9 hunting related incidents in the state of Minnesota. 6 of them were self-inflicted injuries and none of them were fatal.