Proper drug disposal and storage a key to poison prevention 

Proper drug disposal and storage a key to poison prevention 

March 20, 2025 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Its national Poison Prevention week, and Safe Kids Grand Forks is spreading awareness on ways parents can help prevent poisonings from happening in their homes. One thing that many parents don’t know is that medications are considered poisons, and for that reason Safe Kids Grand Forks is reminding parents to make sure they are taking the proper steps in preventing both accidental and intentional medication poisonings. Carma Hansen of Safe Kids Grand Forks shares some alarming stats when it comes to medication poisonings in the United States. 

Hansen says that proper drug disposal is just as important as proper drug storage. Hansen explains why, and the main ways you can properly dispose of drugs, once they’re no longer needed. 

You can listen to the whole conversation with Carma Hansen of Safe Kids Grand Forks online at under the Kaleidoscope program.